When you go to a bank to open an account, you will find each kind of deposit account comes with a different interest rate, depending on the bank and account. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) reports that the type of accounts that usually earn the highest interest rates are money market accounts, then savings accounts, and finally checking accounts. A bank earns a spread on the funds it lends out from those it takes in as a deposit. The net interest margin (NIM), which most banks report quarterly, represents this spread, which is simply the difference between what it earns on loans versus what it pays out as interest on deposits. Of course, this gets much more complicated given the dizzying array of credit products and interest rates used to determine the rate eventually charged for loans. Borrowing during a down economy or when uncertainty is high (about factors such as inflation and a volatile interest rate environment) could be a good strategy for achieving a favorable rate�especially if you choose a time when a bank may be especially motivated to make a deal or give you the best rate possible. Finally, seeking a loan or rate with government backing can also help you secure the lowest rate possible.

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The Music of Albania (Albanian: Muzika Shqiptare) is associated with the country of Albania and Albanian communities. Music has a long tradition in the country and is known for its regional diversity, from the Ghegs in the North to the Tosks in the South. It is an integral part of the national identity, strongly influenced by the country's long and turbulent history, which forced Albanians to protect their culture from their overlords by living in rural and remote mountains.

Diverse Albanian folk music includes monophonic and polyphonic styles, responses, choral, instrumental and vocal music. Each region has a unique musical tradition that reflects its history, language and culture. Polyphonic singing and song forms are primarily found in South Albania, while in the North they are predominantly monophonic. Albanian iso-polyphony has been declared an UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The Gjirokaster National Folklore Festival, held every five years in Gjirokaster, is an important venue exhibiting traditional Albanian music.

Albanian music extends to ancient Illyria and Greece, with influences from the Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman Empire. It is evident in archeological findings such as arenas, odeons, theatre buildings and amphitheatres, all over Albania. The remains of temples, libraries, sculptures and paintings of ancient dancers, singers and musical instruments, have been found in territories inhabited by the ancient Illyrians and ancient Greeks.
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